As Christmas Day draws so very near -
I've been reflecting, on this past year.
The thoughts I have are of me and you -
and a love we shared that grew and grew.
Our two hearts met on some distant day -
and found each other forever to stay.
And though we shared some ups and downs -
that bond of love just hung around.
It glistened, we listened, and then we shared -
and when we were apart, it was still there.
The feelings we shared were honest and true -
and I think that is why it so strongly grew.
As Christmas draws closer, so does our love -
so close together like two turtle doves.
God has given us a special gift -
a gift of love that so rightly fits.
Our kisses, our embraces, and tender hugs -
and this is the season for Our Christmas Love!
Written & Submitted By:
The NetHugs Family

Merry Christmas Sweetheart!
Sequence By: Author Unknown |