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  Inspirational eCard

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Hello God, I called tonight
To talk a little while...
I need a friend who'll listen
To my anxiety and trial...

You see, I can't quite make it
Through a day just on my own...
I need your love to guide me,
So I'll never feel alone.

I want to ask you please to keep,
My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
For whatever fate they're bound.

Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.

I thank you God, for being home.
And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall.

Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.

So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You, too.
And I'll call again tomorrow!

Written By: BJ.Morbitzer
Used With Permission

Midi Sequence By: Author Unknown


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