When you are feeling weary -
down and out and feeling blue,
when your world starts to fall apart -
and you don't know what to do.
When you think you're life is over -
and have no reason at all to live -
put yourself into my presence -
and my love to you, I will give.
When your tears feel so heavy -
and you want to set yourself free,
reach out your hand and I will take it -
and pull yourself unto Me.
When you feel so heavy burdened -
afraid that you are much too weak,
and all alone in this big world -
that's when you are most in need of Me.
When your heart feels so very empty -
and you can not find a friend around,
remember that I am with you -
and that I am always heaven found.
Remember that you are special -
that's how I planned for it to be,
because my child, you were made -
in the image and likeness of Me.
Don't look so hard to try and find Me -
I'm closer than you may know,
I'm knocking on your door right now,
Just open it and my love will show.
No, my child, life isn't perfect -
that's because sin interfered,
but I will save you from all danger,
and take away all your dreaded fears.
When you feel all tired and worn -
your eyes tear up and you can't see,
just rest yourself in my presence,
for My love is for all eternity!
Written & Submitted By:
© Deacon Steve A. Politte

Sequence By: © Margi Harrell |